Sunday, June 21, 2009

A Step Back In Time!

Yesterday I took a dear friend (who happens to be blind) to a Civil War re-enactment. It was such a fun day. Just watching her be in her lament was such a blessing. It really was enjoyable and informative. The people who participate are very serious about what they do. Very realistic. My friend dresses in the period dress. The only problem I had was not knowing whether I was a "Yankee" or a "Rebel".......But born a Yankee, die a Yankee.....

Monday, June 15, 2009

A SPECIAL Wedding!

Twenty some years ago I cared for a precious little three month old baby girl named Bethany. The years have flown and now she is a married woman. I was so excited to be at her wedding in Ohio, and see all God has done. Congratulations Bethany and Bill!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Anna Kate Turns 6, and We're off to The American Girl Place !

For Anna Kate's 6th birthday we wanted to go to "The American Girl Place" in Atlanta. She has seen all of the movies and is getting interested in the dolls. She had talked about Felicity and Kit all along, but when we got there she had such a hard time making her decision. She finally decided on the very newest doll, Rebecca. We all had fun, even Papa. It was so sweet as we were leaving Anna Kate thanked Papa for taking her and for the doll. We even had a snack in the "bistro". They had dolls to borrow if you did not have a doll to eat lunch with.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Brooklynn and Blake spend three days with Mimi and Papa!

We were excited to have Brooklynn and Blake visit us while mommy and daddy took a trip to Charleston. It was fun spending time with them. We had a BLAST and are still talking about the funny things they said or did. Brooklynn LOVES catching toads at our house. If you look closely you can see that they have one in the pool with them. They both are AMAZING!