Friday, May 22, 2009

INDIGO Bunting!

We have so enjoyed watching the birds at our house in S. Carolina. This last trip we kept seeing what we thought was a "blue bird". A friend was over for coffee and I told her to look at the "blue bird". She helped me learn more about S. Carolina birds. It was an Indigo Bunting NOT a "blue bird". Thought you would enjoy seeing it too.

Anna Kate HELPING Papa!

Anna Kate really is a great little helper... Papa and she put together a desk for the playhouse. She worked hard and they got it done!

Our Little Monkey!

Brooklynn loves being outdoors when she is at our house. She thinks she is big enough to climb a tree, but not without some help.

Baby Marlee!

How QUICKLY Marlee has grown up. She is such a smiley baby and a real sweetie. She is crawling everywhere and pulling up. What a precious little girl she is.

Blake the Little Worker!

Blake is growing up so fast. He wants to help and do whatever we are doing. He was very serious about helping move a load of rocks. It was so much fun watching him work so hard.

Brooklynn's Art Show

Brooklynn goes to a wonderful Art School and is quite an artist already. We happened to be in Greenville when the school had their "Art Show". It was wonderful to share it with Brooklynn.

Cleaning the Fish Pond with Papa!

One of the things the grandkids love at our house in S. Carolina is the fish pond. Brooklynn happened to be out when Papa was cleaning it and she was a BIG help....

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Goose Family!

This spring we have enjoyed seeing a family of Canada geese and a family of mallard ducks hatch their babies. The geese are very protective and will hiss and chase you is you come near them or their little ones. Hope to get a picture soon of the duck family.

Thursday, May 07, 2009


Yesterday I picked up Ethan and Joshua for a morning out. They had been wanting to go in "Miss Karen's" car and go to "Miss Karen's" house. We had a wonderful morning and they were so sweet. Now I must get back out to their house and take Ashley for a "girl morning".

Monday, May 04, 2009

SPRING has sprung in Illinois!

This morning when Gary and I walked we noticed THREE nest..... One was a robin nest right at our apartment gas meters. One was an abandoned Canada Goose nest and the third was a mallard duck nest... I just went back to take pictures and the mallard had covered her nest so well that I could not even see the eggs. SPRING is definitely here.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

A VERY Happy Birthday!

SPECIAL friends made my birthday EXTRA SPECIAL this year. It seemed to be a birthday week! Several WONDERFUL eating out experiences. Meeting and sharing time with very precious people. And then to top it off with a day at a spa with 2 special ladies. THANKS Darla. Turning 57 wasn't to bad.......