Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tuesday is Blake Day!

It is always a JOY to have Blake come on Tuesday's. He is always smiling when daddy drops him off. We have so much fun and he is such a sweet boy. He loves the dogs and crawls after them. They are really good with him. He has found out where the toy room is and crawls in to play.

It's Starting to Look A Lot Like Christmas!

Sunday Rich and Joy invited us over to help put up their Christmas tree. Rich and Gary headed off to buy the PERFECT tree, with Joy's instructions on how tall and how wide... I guess Rich has been known to buy a tree that is bigger than it looked at the tree lot. They returned with the "just right tree". It was so much fun seeing Brooklynn's re-action to it and helping decorate it. It really is a BEAUTIFUL tree.

Sunday, November 25, 2007


We finally got to meet Adam and Jacob. It was a special day and a sweet visit. They are so PRECIOUS and we continue to pray for them each day. God continues to hold them in HIS hands. Isn't it neat that both of them are holding mommy's finger. Please keep praying for them too.

Billy Graham Library, Charlotte N. Carolina!

Yesterday on our way to Winston-Salem we stopped to tour the Billy Graham Library in Charlotte. It was awesome!


This is the first year in many years that we have been with our family here in South Carolina for Thanksgiving. We were missing Micah back in Illinois, but look forward to ALL being together for Christmas in a few weeks. How VERY thankful we are to be living down here sharing time with our kids and grandkids. IT IS WONDERFUL!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


On Tuesday I always look forward to Blake coming. He is such a sweet and good little baby boy and is so much fun to have. Although he won't be a baby for long. He is changing by the day. Today he sat on a chair in the toy room and played with the cars like a "big boy".


Today was a "picture perfect" fall day. Gary had the wonderful idea to take a trip downtown to "Falls Park" on the Reedy River. We had a great time enjoying the park and the beauty of the season. Couldn't have been a more BEAUTIFUL day. The dogs even enjoyed it.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Thanksgiving Fun at Anna Kate's School!

Today I visited Anna Kate's pre-school for their Thanksgiving Feast. They had all made Indian costumes and had helped pre-pare the food. They all looked so cute. The last picture is Anna Kate and her best friend Quinn. So THANKFUL to be living near our grandkids.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Today after church I picked up Anna Kate for a special outing. We had tickets to the play "Dr. Dolittle". It was a wonderful play and I was so proud of Anna Kate. She was such a grown-up little girl. She really enjoyed the play and we had a BLAST!


After our Saturday "work day" at Becky's, we headed to have time with Brooklynn and Blake. They are so much fun. Our first stop with them was the pet shop, which Brooklynn LOVES. Then on to Target to look at all the toys. Brooklynn talks non-stop and comes up with some AMAZING things. Blake just takes it all in....


Becky and Shane are getting their house ready to sell and have had "family work days" the past two Saturdays. Just a few shots from this Saturday. Gary worked hard the past two Saturday's painting. Tim chipped in and painted all day this Saturday. Lee came to help too. Sara took the girls for the day and a lot was accomplished.

A Visit to Third Grade!

Friday I was able to visit Sara's third grade class. It was so much fun meeting all 24 students and hearing them tell me, Sara's mom all about their teacher. I read them my favorite children's book' "Cookies" and brought a cookie for everyone. It was really a fun!