Sunday, July 23, 2006

"NiNi" and Brooklynn Time!

Brooklynn calls me "NiNi" instead of MiMi. After some real quality time with her this visit, I think she really knows me. We had some wonderful bonding time and LOTS of fun. Here are a few of the things we did together.

Dancing the night away!

Tim and Anna Kate had fun dancing at "Whole Foods". They had a jazz band outside and Anna Kate insisted on Uncle Tim "dancing" with her. She had so much FUN!

Little Lauren's 1st Birthday!

I was able to go to Greenville for our grandbaby Lauren's 1st birthday. Living so far away, we can't be at many birthday parties. We always try to be there for the 1st one. It was so much fun seeing all the excitment and mess. Lauren LOVED her chocolate cake!

Sara's Friend's Wedding!

I was able to go to Georgia for a friend of Sara's wedding. It was fun to see her friends and be a part of the festivities. Sara was a beautiful bridesmaid. HAPPY marriage, Rachael & Jason.

Saturday, July 22, 2006


While I was in Greenville I had the chance to take Becky and Sara out to celebrate their birthdays. We had a FUN night of sushi and Starbuck's. So seldom are we together to enjoy birthdays. Happy birthday girls!

Tim's Gardens

Since Tim has bought a house he has really gotten into gardening. Over the 4th of July, Gary helped him put in two perennial gardens. I helped him plant one on that visit and then when I got back a week later we planted the other one. Had a great time doing it!

Thursday, July 06, 2006

CLOUDS greeted us as we drove into Bloomington

As many of you know, I LOVE clouds and especially taking pictures of them. When we drove into Bloomington on July 4th, after a very BIG trip, there were beautiful clouds everywhere. I really enjoyed them.


Our "girls" love to travel and enjoyed every mile to South Carolina and back. This is them in their normal position while traveling, sleeping. We love taking them with us and they always get A LOT of attention.

Our Little Artist Brooklynn

Brooklynn may take after her daddy and be an artist one day. She LOVES to color and paint.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Anna Kate's Soccer Game!

We were able to go to Anna Kate's very first soccer game. It was fun to watch the 3 and 4 year olds play. I am not sure what they were playing, but they were playing...... Anna Kate was so cute on the field, when she wasn't taking a break with mommy. They have a bible lesson after their games and it was just fun being a part of their everyday life.

Taking Care of GRANDbabies!

We had some really sweet time with our 3 beautiful grandaughters while we were in Greenville. They are each more than precious. Time with them is truly priceless. (especially since we are 12 hours away) We had such fun taking care of them all by ourselves, with mommy and daddy GONE.....

Brooklynn Riding Daddy's OLD bike!

Brooklynn thought she was a BIG girl riding her daddy's old bicycle. Rich had gotten it for his 3rd birthday. With Brooklynn's long legs, she probably won't have to wait till she's three.

Baby Lauren's Ready to Walk!

Lauren will be one July 16th. She is really trying to walk and very close to doing it. We are all excited. Go Lauren go!


We had the JOY of helping Sara move to South Carolina to begin her teaching career there in the Greenville area. It was ALOT of work and we could not have done it without "Good Ole Dad". Thanks Tim for your help also. Sara loves her apartment and being close to her three little nieces.